Instant quotes with engineering, materials, 3D models and more.

Built for dealers and retails DIY selling screen rooms, patio enclosures and covers.

Quick Quote Creation

Quick And Easy Quoting

Create quotes for your screen rooms, patio covers, enclosures and pergolas in seconds with valid engineering and design variations.

  • Pre Set Templates for instant quote generation from the most common configurations
  • 40+ configurable fields to handle any type of design
  • Fully engineered quotes with 2D and 3D models, materials lists, cut sheets and more

3D Models, Materials & More

Patiosmith generates quotes with everything you need to help with sales and order management.

  • 2D and 3D drawings updated in real time and exported as PDFs
  • Materials lists with cut sheets
  • Export PDFs for quotes, invoices, purchase orders, cut sheets and install guides
Quick Quote Creation
Quick Quote Creation

Automated Team Workflows Across Warehouses

Setup multiple locations (warehouses, dealers, etc) with admin, managers and sales/support staff with optional approval and review processes for quotes, invoices and purchase orders.

  • Setup different locations (warehouses) with admin, supervisors and sales/agents
  • Manage different quote numbers, parts and material skus across warehouses
  • Manage dealers as well as sub-suppliers for a dynamic, multi-sided supply chain management system


Patiosmith provides clear and concise notifications of all potential issues with engineering or parts. This includes errors, warnings and notifications of required changes or substitutions.

Quick Quote Creation

Fully Customizable Quotes & Variants

Over 40 configurable options with default templates to pre-fill everything. Every quote will be generated with a number of automatically configured variants that you can select or provide as alternatives for your customers.

Branded Collateral

Export quotes, materials lists, cut sheets and installation manuals as PDFs. All PDFs and exported collateral can be branded

Quick Quote Creation

Streamline your quoting operations today.